I adore Vernors! When I couldn't find it anywhere after I moved I was so upset. A friend got some shipped to th... -- Amy
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You can get Vernors in Kentucky at Meijer Stores. - william mulhern
My dad would go to Vernor's warehouse in Detroit /Hamtramck every Saturday afternoon. He'd make a game out of which of his five kids (at that time) he would take with him. Then he'd stop at the neighborhood bar and have a beer and we'd get a coke and shall bag of chips. I was so happy when I discovered I could buy online. - Elaine Burks
I used too live in Michigan loved Vernors Ginger ale and making boston coolors with it so now I order it cause living in Nc we dont have Vernors . its awesome I can get it - Jeff Mathis
Does anyone know where I can get some Vernors in Louisiana near New Roads or Livonia or Port Allen - Katey mazir
Where can I buy Vernors in Arizona? - Meagan
When I was a child, I suffered several times a year from tonsillitis to strep throat! My mother would buy a six pack of Vernors. It was a ritual! My mother only bought Vernors when someone in the family was sick. I would love the flavor, body and I would imagine it some where aging in kegs for I think it was 50 or 80 yrs! Now, I found it again here in Florida! It does't have the heavier richer taste as it once had. Only a faint hint of Vernors Ginger Ale! Probably because it isn't aged in those wooden kegs! lol! When I ache for the good old days, I'll buy it, just to stroll down memory lane! I also loved Birch Beer, can't get it down here! Also the REAL pickled sausages in the gallon jars and Blind Robins! (smoked dried fish) I am 62 now, grew up in the 50's and 60's in the Tonawanda's NY! - LINDA
I moved to Alaska back in 76 I grew up in Michigan and really missed my Vernors. Every time I would go back to visit the family i had to have it. Living in Fairbanks I can find it at Safeway but only by the mixed drinks supplies. Every time I go in there I buy them out of the few 12 packs they carry. - Robert
where can I buy vernors in milwaukee - talitha atwater
I am born and bred Michigan farm girl growing up outside of Bay City, then Clarkston, and now living in Massachusetts. I love love love the original Vernors. So please go back to original recipe, not using the high fructose corn syrup...it makes it taste different. I am ordering from you as soon as our snow stops here in the East so we can have our gingerale floats and summer drinks, maybe even some chips to go with. Thank you. Your customers know best and we are you loyal fans, so please hear us. Thank you. - Janet Senk
The U.S. Army colonel in charge of a post in Germany had Vernors Ginger Ale shipped into the commissary because he missed it and Michigan so much! I was never so glad! - Teresa Frazier