Can anyone tell me where I could find Vernors in Georgia? My husband and I, being lifelong Michigan natives, lov... -- Erin Sheets
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Where can you find Vernor's in Orange County CA - PEnny
Does anyone know where to buy 2 liter bottles of Vernors in Albuquerque? - Laura
I agree with the comment on high fructose corn syrup. Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, please return to making Vernors with sugar instead. Did you ever think the day would come we'd search for products with sugar? - Laura
No Vernors Here in Jackson, MI ... just wondering why? - Justina Breotn
Where can I find Diet Vernor's in the Williamsburg, Va area? All our stores say they can't get it in. - shirley
My Dad worked next door to the Vernors plant in Detroitin the 1950's. He would come home with cases of 'seconds' (?) but they tasted fine to us... - Skip Stein
I just want to thank you guys for having such a great beverage (vernors) My wife and I were born and raised outside of detroit MI. I have been stationed in nj with the Marine corps. When I was deployed to Afghanistan I had a care package shipped out with vernors in it. Also my wife and I had twin girls back in aug of 2014 and during her pregnancy all she craved was vernors. Everytime one of our families is out here in NJ to visit they know to bring stock piles of vernors. I just wanted to say again thank you for a great product and had to give ya'll a pat on the back!! - patrick w nacy
In Southern Pines/Aberdeen, North Carolina, you can find Vernors in at the Harris-Teeter grocery store - Kelley Rollins
I'm so sorry to read you're using High fructose corn syrup now. You lost another customer. Why not make it in Canada where sugar is less expensive? - Bob S
I also am looking for Vernor's. I left a website a little while ago that I believe was Sodamaker's or possibly Sodafinder's. However, I do believe it has to be shipped to you which would most likely be pricey. - Carolyn