The guest book is a public forum where you can post your experiences and request information about Michigan's Unique Products
My fiance' and I absolutely LOVE Diet Vernors!! It is really kind of funny because I didn't like Vernors due to my mom always giving it to me when I was sick. I met my fiance' and said, "You drink sick people pop", now we just laugh because I drink just as much as him. - Vicki Steele
mu husband fred and i lived in southgate michigan in our teens. we grew up on vernors. he joined the navy and and we traveled the states ending up in pennsylvania, where we can now get vernors again. other ginger ales are not the same. we really missed it. - judith pezok
living in belgium now and leaving good ol US behind me, missing Vernor every day, i grew up with Vernor, and it got me through my wild years , now at the brink of old age, Vernor remains the link to my childhood and parents back yard - narwal
Living in San Antonio, Texas and being a native Detroiter it is great to find a site with most of my favorite items on it. I'm still looking for Keplingers Bread. I have been able to buy Vernors in the six packs at our local grocery store chain here in San Antonio called HEB. They sell it in the specality area of the pop aisle. My mother drank Vernors daily when she was carrying me and I have been hooked on it every since. She used to send it to me when I was stationed in Thule Greenland with the Air Force. Great Site. - Ken Lamanski
i am 45 years old my, grandma raised me on vernors and if i was sick she would give me vernors warm,i raised all my children on vernors and now i am raising my little grandbabies on vernors and when they are sick they will call me and say grandma i want warm vernors,,,it really hurts me were in south dakota and we cant find anyone here who sells it so if we visit our realitives in mich.,colo.or even oklahoma i stack up on it but,it would be alot eaiser if it would be here in south dakota......i drink more vernors than anyone i know....thank-you - jackie walker
When I ill my mom would give me warm vernors and I would feel better and now I do the same for my children. I am so happy to be able to get vernors online. - angee
I grew up next to a Vernors route driver "Mr. Zalinski" whom was a great neighbor. He introduced my family to your Ginger Ale product. After 40 years it is still the best cold or hot when I have a cold or flu. It is available here in North Georgia, a long way from Detroit and those early days. Thank You. - Darryl
Thank you so much for making Michigan products available on line because i live in oregon and i am born and raised in indiana and this oregon people here dont offer anything that could compare to the things that are offered in the midwest. Thank you! - Je Vona
i have grown up with faygo products, and bettermade products ,and still continue to be a stead fast fan of both. These products have maintained the taste and quality that has stood the test of time. i you dont have to improve on an allready quality product. - jan strader