I love Vernors. Loved the old recipe from when I was a kid in the 70's. Would love it even more if it didn't have... -- Kolby Camaro
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Sorry to say that Vernors today is no were close to what it use to be. Just another soda now, why the change in the formula! Come on man! - Mr Del
Are Sanders Honeycomb Chips still available at the Vernors Store? - Dave Gordon
Where can I buy Vernors in buffalo ny area? Been to 6 different stories. CAN'T FIND I ANYWHERE - Chris h
I'd really like to be able to buy the vernors syrup in a smaller bottle than the 5 gallons. I just have the home soda stream and really want to cut down on my cans and plastics. - Max
Have they stopped producing Diet Vernors for distribution in Northern California? Used to be sold at Safeway, Mill Valley Market and Mollie Stones. - Lisa Wilcox
Please return to the Verner’s original recipe. I would love to start buying it again but won’t drink the imposter Vernor’s. So disappointing - Janis Lotfalian
What is the date code c20k20 1332 please help - Bob
Where can I get Vernors in the St Louis or St Charles County Missouri area? Thanks! - Martha Ames
I grew up on Vernors. The diet version doesn’t have the same bite as the sweetened version. It would be great if you can add zing! - Randita
I used to be able to get Vernors here in Rockport, TX at HEB...but since COVID it’s vanished... What happened? Where can I find it close by? It seriously is the best! - Claire Record